
Showing posts from 2017

The Watcher's Mission

This is a Flash Fiction Challenge from the blog of Chuck Wendig . The prompt is:  A carpenter draws a map which shows the location of every crossword puzzle in Mecca. The Watcher's Mission The dust in the air was palpable as Dakota ran through the streets of the old city. The day had started simple enough, shopping for the weekend, getting ready to entertain visitors, listening to his girlfriend chatter about her family’s latest drama. Each of Dakota’s pounding steps brought him closer to the strange man. Even though he could seemingly feel it before it happened, when the shrill sound of the phone hit his ear, Dakota almost cut into his own finger instead of the fruit he was supposed to be cutting. “I’ll get it” Anna said. She answered the phone and for a moment, Dakota paused to admire his girlfriend’s simple beauty.  The light coming through the kitchen window gave her a radiant glow that was timeless.  She would be the one, of that he was certa